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热烈祝贺南京华讯知识产权总经理 侯庆辰博士新书推出!

  • 分类:最新消息
  • 作者:华讯知识产权
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-03-31 09:31
  • 访问量:

【概要描述】2021.03.26 热烈祝贺南京华讯知识产权总经理 侯庆辰博士新书推出! Congratulations! James Hou, General Manager of CIPIC , has launched a New Book! 2017年9月,我司侯庆辰总经理所撰写「论医药专利的产业化-中国专利法专题研究」乙书发行。为了让更多国外读者了解中国专利法的精义,2021年3月,英文版隆重推出! The Chinese version of "The Commercialization of Pharmaceutical Patents in China" written by James Hou, General Manager of CIPIC , had launched in September, 2017. Now, the English version will on sale starting from the end of March, 2021 for serving more foreign readers to realize the mystery of China's patent law. 对于想了解中国市场生物医药产业中的专利议题,本书绝对能提供非常重要的信息,涉及商业、生物医药,并与知识产权相关的从业学者、学生,甚至是创业者或管理阶层,都能在本书中找到关键的资源。 "The Commercialization of Pharmaceutical Patents in China" contains insightful information. If anyone, such as scholar, student, entrepreneur or businessman, wants to know the hottest and latest patent issues in the Chinese market and also in its pharmaceutical industry, this book will be a key resource for you.   欢迎有兴趣的读者们,现在就以下网址上网订购,并享有10–20%优惠折扣!(加入网站会员,立即享有优惠价格) Welcome to visit the website listed below and place the online order. Register your free website member account immediately to get 10–20% discount on all orders.   Website:   Chapter 1 is free to read on our digital platform:  

热烈祝贺南京华讯知识产权总经理 侯庆辰博士新书推出!


热烈祝贺南京华讯知识产权总经理 侯庆辰博士新书推出!

Congratulations! James Hou, General Manager of CIPIC , has launched a New Book!


The Chinese version of "The Commercialization of Pharmaceutical Patents in China" written by James Hou, General Manager of CIPIC , had launched in September, 2017. Now, the English version will on sale starting from the end of March, 2021 for serving more foreign readers to realize the mystery of China's patent law.


"The Commercialization of Pharmaceutical Patents in China" contains insightful information. If anyone, such as scholar, student, entrepreneur or businessman, wants to know the hottest and latest patent issues in the Chinese market and also in its pharmaceutical industry, this book will be a key resource for you.



Welcome to visit the website listed below and place the online order. Register your free website member account immediately to get 10–20% discount on all orders.




Chapter 1 is free to read on our digital platform:


  • 分类:最新消息
  • 作者:华讯知识产权
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-03-31 09:31
  • 访问量:


热烈祝贺南京华讯知识产权总经理 侯庆辰博士新书推出!

Congratulations! James Hou, General Manager of CIPIC , has launched a New Book!


The Chinese version of "The Commercialization of Pharmaceutical Patents in China" written by James Hou, General Manager of CIPIC , had launched in September, 2017. Now, the English version will on sale starting from the end of March, 2021 for serving more foreign readers to realize the mystery of China's patent law.


"The Commercialization of Pharmaceutical Patents in China" contains insightful information. If anyone, such as scholar, student, entrepreneur or businessman, wants to know the hottest and latest patent issues in the Chinese market and also in its pharmaceutical industry, this book will be a key resource for you.



Welcome to visit the website listed below and place the online order. Register your free website member account immediately to get 10–20% discount on all orders.




Chapter 1 is free to read on our digital platform:






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