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Dingxiangyuan's open medical data platform covers 7 application scenarios such as medicine, disease, and diagnosis

  • 分类:最新消息
  • 作者:华讯知识产权
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-01-15 10:54
  • 访问量:

【概要描述】Dingxiangyuan's open medical data platform covers 7 application scenarios such as medicine, disease, and diagnosis Dingxiangyuan, a leading domestic digital medical and health technology company, announced the launch of a professional-level medical data open platform. This platform is the industry's first open data platform that can fully cover multi-scenario applications such as drugs, diseases, hospitals, departments, diagnosis and treatment, and medical information. It broke the current situation of internal data fragmentation in various institutions in the medical industry. At present, more than 400 pharmaceutical companies, financial insurance companies, and Internet companies including AstraZeneca, Alibaba Cloud, and Huatai Securities have become platform partners. It is reported that the Dingxiangyuan medical data open platform is supported by the core product medication assistant, Insight database, and Dingxiang doctor big data. Relying on 20 years of medical professional-level data accumulation, tens of millions of medical knowledge such as drug diseases, institutional data and tens of thousands of Clove Professional articles produced by the park copyright provide enterprise-level users with open data services based on standardized structured data. In the era of big data, medical care is gradually opening up, but the utilization rate of data within the medical industry is relatively low at this stage. Li Ning, head of product technology at Dingxiangyuan, said that under the premise of ensuring data security, the platform avoids the fragmentation of medical data and facilitates cross-medical organization collaboration, for the development and promotion of new drugs, optimizing clinical treatment plans, and preventing excessive treatment. Provide integrated data hard core support to make medical data play a greater value, thereby saving medical resources. For medical institutions, the Dingxiangyuan Medical Data Open Platform provides prescription review and timely discovery of potential unreasonable drug use problems; for pharmaceutical companies, the medical data open platform provides basic drug data construction; for the financial and insurance industry, the medical data open platform provides risk assessment for pharmaceutical companies , Medical insurance underwriting. In addition, the Dingxiangyuan medical data open platform also provides disease science services, medication instructions query services, and professional physician identity certification. Recently, Dingxiangyuan completed a new financing of US$500 million. With the promotion of the "medical-public" dual-core drive strategy, it is accelerating the accumulation of professional forces on the upstream supply side. The realization of the medical data open platform will also continue to accumulate new data and use the data for internal product innovation, enabling all participants in the medical system to connect and collaborate more closely.

Dingxiangyuan's open medical data platform covers 7 application scenarios such as medicine, disease, and diagnosis

【概要描述】Dingxiangyuan's open medical data platform covers 7 application scenarios such as medicine, disease, and diagnosis

Dingxiangyuan, a leading domestic digital medical and health technology company, announced the launch of a professional-level medical data open platform. This platform is the industry's first open data platform that can fully cover multi-scenario applications such as drugs, diseases, hospitals, departments, diagnosis and treatment, and medical information. It broke the current situation of internal data fragmentation in various institutions in the medical industry. At present, more than 400 pharmaceutical companies, financial insurance companies, and Internet companies including AstraZeneca, Alibaba Cloud, and Huatai Securities have become platform partners.

It is reported that the Dingxiangyuan medical data open platform is supported by the core product medication assistant, Insight database, and Dingxiang doctor big data. Relying on 20 years of medical professional-level data accumulation, tens of millions of medical knowledge such as drug diseases, institutional data and tens of thousands of Clove Professional articles produced by the park copyright provide enterprise-level users with open data services based on standardized structured data.

In the era of big data, medical care is gradually opening up, but the utilization rate of data within the medical industry is relatively low at this stage. Li Ning, head of product technology at Dingxiangyuan, said that under the premise of ensuring data security, the platform avoids the fragmentation of medical data and facilitates cross-medical organization collaboration, for the development and promotion of new drugs, optimizing clinical treatment plans, and preventing excessive treatment. Provide integrated data hard core support to make medical data play a greater value, thereby saving medical resources.

For medical institutions, the Dingxiangyuan Medical Data Open Platform provides prescription review and timely discovery of potential unreasonable drug use problems; for pharmaceutical companies, the medical data open platform provides basic drug data construction; for the financial and insurance industry, the medical data open platform provides risk assessment for pharmaceutical companies , Medical insurance underwriting. In addition, the Dingxiangyuan medical data open platform also provides disease science services, medication instructions query services, and professional physician identity certification.

Recently, Dingxiangyuan completed a new financing of US$500 million. With the promotion of the "medical-public" dual-core drive strategy, it is accelerating the accumulation of professional forces on the upstream supply side. The realization of the medical data open platform will also continue to accumulate new data and use the data for internal product innovation, enabling all participants in the medical system to connect and collaborate more closely.

  • 分类:最新消息
  • 作者:华讯知识产权
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2021-01-15 10:54
  • 访问量:

Dingxiangyuan's open medical data platform covers 7 application scenarios such as medicine, disease, and diagnosis


Dingxiangyuan, a leading domestic digital medical and health technology company, announced the launch of a professional-level medical data open platform. This platform is the industry's first open data platform that can fully cover multi-scenario applications such as drugs, diseases, hospitals, departments, diagnosis and treatment, and medical information. It broke the current situation of internal data fragmentation in various institutions in the medical industry. At present, more than 400 pharmaceutical companies, financial insurance companies, and Internet companies including AstraZeneca, Alibaba Cloud, and Huatai Securities have become platform partners.

It is reported that the Dingxiangyuan medical data open platform is supported by the core product medication assistant, Insight database, and Dingxiang doctor big data. Relying on 20 years of medical professional-level data accumulation, tens of millions of medical knowledge such as drug diseases, institutional data and tens of thousands of Clove Professional articles produced by the park copyright provide enterprise-level users with open data services based on standardized structured data.

In the era of big data, medical care is gradually opening up, but the utilization rate of data within the medical industry is relatively low at this stage. Li Ning, head of product technology at Dingxiangyuan, said that under the premise of ensuring data security, the platform avoids the fragmentation of medical data and facilitates cross-medical organization collaboration, for the development and promotion of new drugs, optimizing clinical treatment plans, and preventing excessive treatment. Provide integrated data hard core support to make medical data play a greater value, thereby saving medical resources.

For medical institutions, the Dingxiangyuan Medical Data Open Platform provides prescription review and timely discovery of potential unreasonable drug use problems; for pharmaceutical companies, the medical data open platform provides basic drug data construction; for the financial and insurance industry, the medical data open platform provides risk assessment for pharmaceutical companies , Medical insurance underwriting. In addition, the Dingxiangyuan medical data open platform also provides disease science services, medication instructions query services, and professional physician identity certification.

Recently, Dingxiangyuan completed a new financing of US$500 million. With the promotion of the "medical-public" dual-core drive strategy, it is accelerating the accumulation of professional forces on the upstream supply side. The realization of the medical data open platform will also continue to accumulate new data and use the data for internal product innovation, enabling all participants in the medical system to connect and collaborate more closely.





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